Adult Learning Classes

Did you miss one of our classes?
Check out the video recordings from past Adult Learning Classes or Affirming Church Series.

America's Original Sin:
U.S. Law and Indigenous People

Sunday, January 26 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

Overview of the legal relationship between the U.S. government and Indigenous people, with a focus on the 1823 U.S. Supreme Court opinion that relied on the Doctrine of Discovery, an international law concept used to justify the taking of Indigenous land rights. We’ll also discuss Sunnyvale Pres’s support of local Indigenous people currently attempting to protect their sacred land from destruction by a proposed quarry.


Led by Barry Vickrey, Dean & Professor Emeritus, University of South Dakota School of Law.

Book Discussion

Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope

Mondays, February 3–24 @ 7 pm

On Zoom

Led by Rev. Stephanie Lutz Allen

A four-week book discussion about the book by Esau McCaully, offering one American Black Christian’s perspective of the Bible. The class will start with a short presentation recapping the teaching. We will focus on these four chapters:

  • The Freedom of the Slaves — Pennington’s Triumph
  • Freedom is No Fear — The New Testament and a Theology of Policing
  • Black and Proud — The Bible and Black Identity
  • What Shall We Do with This Rage — The Bible and Black Anger

You do not need to attend all four sessions if you are unable. Registration helps us know who to expect.

Change the Story

Sunday, February 9 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

Recently, 4 members of our congregation joined a project called “Change the Story.” The Changemaker Initiative paired us, as members of a faith community, with a young activist from the local community. We worked together to create Luna y Sol Community Space. Join us to hear about The Changemaker Initiative as Sarah, our young activist, and our Sunnyvale Presbyterian foursome share our experiences and our project.


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Sundays @ 8:30–9:30 am

Led by various leaders over Zoom

Join us for this popular Sunday morning study. The class uses a standard set of questions to explore the scripture reading for that Sunday. The study emphasizes new insights on how the scripture relates to everyday life. Discussion questions:

  • What is the main point of this passage?
  • What new insight do I find in this reading of this text?
  • How is this passage true or not true to my experience?
  • What problems do I have with this passage?
  • What are the implications of this passage for my life?

Check the church calendar or email the Sunday Morning Bible Study leader for more information, or get the Zoom link to join us online!

Presbyterian Women's Bible Study Circles

There are five monthly Bible study Circles in Presbyterian Women. One of them should fit your schedule. Email the PW leader for more information.

Men's Bible Studies

Tuesday Mornings • 6:30–7:30 am • via Zoom

Join us to start the day off on a positive note! Email the Men's Bible Study leader to request the Zoom link.

Looking for more?

Find more small groups, including study groups and prayer groups, on our Groups page.