Upcoming Events

Teddy Bear Concert

Saturday, January 25 @ 11 am


Grab your bear or stuffy and join us for our annual Teddy Bear concert. We'll present a live program planned especially for young listeners. It's a great introduction to a variety of musical instruments. Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted for the Janice Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Young Adult Monthly Gathering

2025 Kickoff Party

Saturday, January 25 @ 5–9:30 pm

The Heaths' home in Sunnyvale

Bring a snack or drink to share. We will have puzzles, games, and great conversation!

Youth & Families

Lunar New Year Dumpling Party

Sunday, January 26 @ 11:30 am–1 pm

Fellowship Hall & Kitchen

Youth families and friends of Youth Ministry, come join us in celebrating the Lunar New Year by making and eating dumplings! We’ll also provide other foods and New Year’s treats. We’ll be sure to provide both vegan and meat options. The whole family is invited along with advisors, elders and teachers.

Adult Learning

America's Original Sin:
U.S. Law and Indigenous People

Sunday, January 26 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

Overview of the legal relationship between the U.S. government and Indigenous people, with a focus on the 1823 U.S. Supreme Court opinion that relied on the Doctrine of Discovery, an international law concept used to justify the taking of Indigenous land rights. We’ll also discuss Sunnyvale Pres’s support of local Indigenous people currently attempting to protect their sacred land from destruction by a proposed quarry.


Led by Barry Vickrey, Dean & Professor Emeritus, University of South Dakota School of Law.

The Great Search: A Retreat with John Philip Newell & Cami Twilling

Saturday, February 8 @ 9 am–noon
Westhope Presbyterian Church in Saratoga

Everyone is invited to this retreat to focus us in this time of transition toward a spirituality of intimacy with Earth rather than a spirituality of alienation from Earth, and a vision of interrelatedness and harmony instead of religious and political division. Please register online in advance.

Adult Learning

Change the Story

Sunday, February 9 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

Recently, 4 members of our congregation joined a project called “Change the Story.” The Changemaker Initiative paired us, as members of a faith community, with a young activist from the local community. We worked together to create Luna y Sol Community Space. Join us to hear about The Changemaker Initiative as Sarah, our young activist, and our Sunnyvale Presbyterian foursome share our experiences and our project.

Safe Church Training Classes

Sundays, January 26, May 18, August 24, November 16 

Fireside Room @ 11:30 am–12:30 pm

Everyone who volunteers or works with children and/or youth is required to be Safe Church trained. The class is available several times throughout the year; you only need to attend one of the sessions.

Winter Retreat

Friday–Sunday, Jan. 31–Feb. 2

Redwood Glen

An opportunity for men & nonbinary adults to get away from their everyday lives and enjoy being with each other at Redwood Glen. We hope you'll join us! 

Book Discussion

Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope

Mondays, February 3–24 @ 7 pm

On Zoom

Led by Rev. Stephanie Lutz Allen

A four-week book discussion about the book by Esau McCaully, offering one American Black Christian’s perspective of the Bible. The class will start with a short presentation recapping the teaching. We will focus on these four chapters:

  • The Freedom of the Slaves — Pennington’s Triumph
  • Freedom is No Fear — The New Testament and a Theology of Policing
  • Black and Proud — The Bible and Black Identity
  • What Shall We Do with This Rage — The Bible and Black Anger

You do not need to attend all four sessions if you are unable. Registration helps us know who to expect.

Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday, March 5 @ 7 pm

Our traditional Ash Wednesday service, including imposition of ashes. 

Family Movie Night

Friday, March 14 @ 5 pm

Phoenix Center (upstairs above the gym)

Join Children's Ministry for a movie night! Feel free to wear your PJs!

Spring Retreat

Friday–Sunday, March 28–30

Vallombrosa Center

Women and nonbinary adults are invited to our annual Spring Retreat at the Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park. Come for a weekend of connecting and learning together, and having a whole lot of fun!

Easter Eggstravaganza

Saturday, April 5 @ 10 am-12 noon

(Bring your own hard-boiled eggs!)

Bring your eggs and we'll supply the dye and decorations. Bounce castle, face painting, snacks, crafts and free raffle prizes! Families with kids of all ages are invited! For more info or to volunteer, email Children's Ministry.

Palm Sunday Potluck

Sunday, April 13

Special Palm Sunday service @ 10 am

All-Church potluck immediately after church

Everyone is invited to a good old-fashioned potluck following the Palm Sunday service. Bring a dish to share prior to the service and drop it off in the kitchen. Questions? Email Carol.

Intergenerational Mission Trip

Spring Break: April 13–15

San Francisco

Youth Ministry is sponsoring this intergenerational mission/learning trip to San Francisco. We'll work with agencies that support communities within the City. Adults and middle school students are encouraged to participate. Registration will open February 2. Stay tuned for more info!

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20  @ 6:30 & 10 am

Join us for a sunrise service or our traditional family-friendly Easter service with choir, hymns and organ music. (Child care for kindergarten and younger at 10 am service.) Plenty of free parking!

Potluck Picnic in the Park

Sunday, June 1 @ 12:30 pm

Las Palmas Park

Mark your calendars now for this all-church event. Everyone is invited! We'll have food, fun, live music and activities for all ages.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

June 16–20

Age 4–entering 5th grade

Cook up a fun week with Children's Ministry at VBS 2025: Recipe for Creativity! We’ll explore the story of Genesis — God creating people and the world. Each day includes cooking, crafts, teamwork, worship, and more as we celebrate God’s creations and explore our own creativity in the kitchen!

CARAVAN Mission Trip

July 20–27

San Francisco

We will partner with organizations that are ministering to both the unhoused and immigrant populations in the city (Cameron House and City Hope SF). In many ways, San Francisco has been at the center of both issues — historically and currently — and we are hoping to continue to build connections and partnerships for ongoing ministry in those areas.

Ongoing Events

Children's Ministry Bake Sale

First Sundays after church

Trinity Court

A tasty way to support Children's Ministry service projects! Stop by for some baked goodies and ask us about the service projects we have planned for this year. If you can't make it, feel free to donate online.

If donating online, be sure to designate "Children's Ministry Service Project" in the drop-down menu.

Grief Support Group

First Sundays @ 1 pm

If you've lost a loved one, join us the first Sunday of each month. Email Karlee with any questions, or learn more on the Support Groups page.

Centering Prayer

2nd Sundays @ 9:15–9:45 am

Fireside Room (December 8 meets in Rm. 304)

Come once a month for a beautiful and contemplative prayer gathering. Based on the contemplative practice learned at the Corrymeela Community, we'll sit for 20 minutes of silence in the presence of God, after which we'll read a short Bible passage, poem, or prayer, and then pray for the needs of community members and close with the Prayer for Courage.

Walking the Labyrinth

 4th Sundays after church

Come explore a corner of our church campus where heaven touches earth. After service, follow the sidewalk next to the church office and you’ll discover the labyrinth. Anyone is welcome who would like to experience God’s closeness through walking prayer.

Environmental Justice Action Group

2nd Mondays @ 7:30 pm

On Zoom

Combining faith with a concern for creation, this new group will use Bible study as the basis for exploring a variety of environmental topics. Throughout the year, we'll plan several hands-on activities. After the initial study, the group will also explore how Sunnyvale Pres could become an “Earth Care Congregation,” a PC(USA) designation for churches that commit to meeting environmental goals. For more information, email the environmental justice action group leader.

Parents Together

First Wednesdays @ 9–11 am

On campus (gym/700 building)

Stop by for conversation and connection with parents of all ages. Younger children are welcome!

Modern Worship Collective

2nd & 4th Wednesdays

Dinner @ 6 pm, Fellowship Hall

Worship @ 7 pm, Sanctuary

Everyone's invited to Modern Worship Collective (MWC), where we faithfully try to witness how God is breaking through the spiritual status quo. We're discovering new ideas of worship where everyone can contribute in community, beauty and sacred space. We share a meal, sing new and different songs, experiment with liturgies and spiritual practices, talk with one another, and build community. We listen for ways God calls us to a larger story, and hear God’s voice in our changing and chaotic time.

Evensong: Contemplative Worship

3rd Wednesdays @ 7 pm


Contemplative worship with Taizé-style music, meditations, prayer, and communion. Most often lay-led.

Senior Coffee

2nd Thursdays @ 10:30 am

Sunnyvale Pres seniors in your 80s and older are invited to a virtual coffee hour with Pastor Laura. Email Karlee with any questions.

Macular Degeneration Group for Seniors

Next date TBD @  10:30 am

Do you have a diagnosis of macular degeneration? Join us over Zoom to share experiences, resources, and helpful hints. This group meets about quarterly and is open to all with this diagnosis. Led by Rev. Evie Macway.

Hiking Group

2nd Saturdays

We meet once a month for a casual hike at one of many local hiking trails. Join the email list to get updates on upcoming hikes!


Find out what's happening at Sunnyvale Pres!