Upcoming Events

Get to Know Pastor Laura

Sunday, September 15 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

Everyone is invited to get to know Pastor Laura — in person or online. Pastor Laura will share about her faith journey as a biracial double pastors' kid from a three-point rural parish in eastern Oregon to the medium-sized cities of the South (and stops in New York and Chicago in between).

Walking the Labyrinth

Sunday, September 22 (and subsequent 4th Sundays) after church

Come explore a corner of our church campus where heaven touches earth. After service, follow the sidewalk next to the church office and you’ll discover the labyrinth. Anyone is welcome who would like to experience God’s closeness through walking prayer.

Adult Learning

Mission Study Trip to Peru

Sunday, September 22 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

Barry and Mary Green Vickrey will give a presentation about their mission-study trip to Peru in May. On this trip sponsored by the Presbytery of San Jose, they learned about the environmental justice work of Mission Co-worker Jed Koball.

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, September 29 @ 11 am

(immediately after worship)

Join us in person or online for the purpose of election of church officers.

Adult Learning

What is Ranked Choice Voting?

Sunday, October 13 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

Come hear a presentation on what ranked choice voting (RCV) is all about. Many believe this system would make our elections better by allowing voters to rank candidates in order of preference, which would result in more representative outcomes. David Newswanger, a former Sunnyvale Pres member, will present in his capacity as Coordinator for Sunnyvale with the California Ranked Choice Coalition.

Adult Learning

League of Women Voters
Presenting on Ballot Measures 

Sunday, October 20 @ 11:30 am

Hybrid (Soulé Hall and online)

You might want to hold on to your election ballots until after October 20. The League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale will be with us that day to present an unbiased review of the state and local ballot measures. They will summarize each measure and discuss its pros and cons. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions. 

Fall Fest

Sunday, October 20 @ 2–4 pm

Trinity Court

Come for an afternoon of fun including a live band, lots of games, and pumpkin painting for the kids.  Bring an appetizer or dessert to share (extra points if it's fall-related!) and enjoy an afternoon of community fun on the patio. Questions? Email Carol Heath.

Macular Degeneration Group for Seniors

Thursday, October 24 @  10:30 am

Do you have a diagnosis of macular degeneration? Join us over Zoom to share experiences, resources, and helpful hints. This group meets about quarterly and is open to all with this diagnosis. Led by Rev. Evie Macway.

Trunk or Treat

Saturday, Oct. 26 @ 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Church parking lot

Fun for the whole family! Bring a treat bag, wear a costume and enjoy the safe and fun environment! There will also be games & prizes and other activities.


Volunteers needed! Host a trunk or help in many other ways. 

Safe Church Training Classes

Sunday, November 10 @ 11:30 am–12:30 pm
Fireside Room

Everyone who volunteers or works with children and youth are required to be Safe Church trained. One-session classes are scheduled throughout the year.

Ongoing Events

Children's Ministry Bake Sale

First Sundays after church

Trinity Court

A tasty way to support Children's Ministry service projects! Stop by for some baked goodies and ask us about the service projects we have planned for this year. If you can't make it, feel free to donate online.

If donating online, be sure to designate "Children's Ministry Service Project" in the drop-down menu.

Grief Support Group

First Sundays @ 1 pm

If you've lost a loved one, join us the first Sunday of each month. Email Karlee with any questions, or learn more on the Support Groups page.

Centering Prayer

2nd Sundays @ 9:15–9:45 am

Fireside Room (December 8 meets in Rm. 304)

Come once a month for a beautiful and contemplative prayer gathering. Based on the contemplative practice learned at the Corrymeela Community, we'll sit for 20 minutes of silence in the presence of God, after which we'll read a short Bible passage, poem, or prayer, and then pray for the needs of community members and close with the Prayer for Courage. 

Family Meal

2nd Sundays @ 11:30 am—1 pm

Phoenix Center

Children's and Youth Ministries invite the whole family along with advisors, elders and teachers for our monthly lunch. Please RSVP if you're able. (Regardless, you're still welcome!)

Sunnyvale CircleSongs

First Wednesdays @ 7 pm

Fellowship Hall

Join us for our monthly CircleSong gatherings! Both Sunnyvale Pres and The Music School sponsor this free monthly event. CircleSongs is an easy collaborative group-singing format where we join our voices together to create improvised songs. We all have music in our bodies and souls, and we will work together to bring that out in each of us. No experience or skills necessary — only an open heart and an open ear. Led by Adam Lee, Assistant Director at The Music School.


Sing Together, Groove Together, Be Together.

Parents Together

1st Wednesdays @ 9–11 am

On Campus (700/Gym building)

Stop by for conversation and connection with parents of all ages. Younger children are welcome!

Modern Worship Collective

2nd & 4th Wednesdays 

Dinner @ 6 pm, Fellowship Hall

Worship @ 7 pm, Sanctuary

Everyone's invited to Modern Worship Collective (MWC), where we faithfully try to witness how God is breaking through the spiritual status quo. We're discovering new ideas of worship where everyone can contribute in community, beauty and sacred space. We share a meal, sing new and different songs, experiment with liturgies and spiritual practices, talk with one another, and build community. We listen for ways God calls us to a larger story, and hear God’s voice in our changing and chaotic time.

Evensong: Contemplative Worship

3rd Wednesdays @ 7 pm


Contemplative worship with Taizé-style music, meditations, prayer, and communion. Most often lay-led.

Senior Coffee

2nd Thursdays @ 10:30 am

Sunnyvale Pres seniors in your 80s and older are invited to a virtual coffee hour with Pastor Laura. Email Karlee with any questions.

Hiking Group

2nd Saturdays

We meet once a month for a casual hike at one of many local hiking trails. Join the email list to get updates on upcoming hikes!


Find out what's happening at Sunnyvale Pres!