Sunnyvale Presbyterian is a community that will love God and love our neighbors with you — one that will give you resources and support along the way, one where people grow into our understanding of God, and one where we bring healing to our society and world.
For 2024, we encourage everyone (100%!) to make a financial pledge to the shared ministry of our church. No matter the dollar amount of your pledge, we want to commit as a church to love God and love our neighbor.
Tired of writing checks? Sign up for electronic contributions!
What is electronic contribution? Electronic contribution is an automatic transfer program that allows you to make contributions without writing checks.
What is the advantage of electronic contributions? It saves you time, costs Sunnyvale Pres significantly less fees than PayPal, and helps the church stabilize its budget.
How is my electronic contribution automatically deducted from my account? Once you authorize the transfer, your specified contribution is electronically transferred from your checking or savings account to our church’s account.
When will my contribution be deducted from my account? On the 1st of each month. You never have to worry about forgetting a contribution, even if you miss church or are away on vacation.
Is electronic contribution risky? Electronic contribution is less risky than check contribution. It cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed in the mail. It has an extremely high rate of accuracy.
How much does electronic contribution cost? It costs you nothing.
What if I try electronic contribution and don’t like it? You can cancel your authorization by notifying the church office in writing at any time.
How do I sign up for electronic contribution? Complete and sign the ACH authorization form and return it to the church office, along with a voided checking or savings account check. You can also mail these to the church or drop it in the offering plate in a sealed envelope.
Contact your bank to setup recurring checks to be mailed to Sunnyvale Pres.
Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church maintains an Endowment Fund supported by gifts from members of the church community. The principal of this fund remains intact, while income from this fund (generated through interest, dividends, and capital gains) is used to support our church's ministry.
Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church encourages its members to consider providing for the long-term ministry of the church through their wills and trusts. To aid in this matter, the Endowment Committee has prepared two pamphlets:
Donating stock is one of the ways that you can give to the ongoing work of Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church. Indeed, donating stock that has appreciated in value can be a way of fulfilling your financial commitment or supporting the Endowment Program while realizing a double tax advantage. The following documents contain information on how to give stock to the church:
SVPC's FEIN number is 94-1457902.
Check with your employer to determine if they participate in either of these workplace matching programs.
Here are three popular ways people are giving to charities and reducing their tax
1) Give from your IRA/401K/403B distribution directly to Sunnyvale Presbyterian
Church. If a donor is over age 70½, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
may count towards satisfying your annual Required Minimum Deduction (RMD).
If the distribution is sent directly to Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church as a
contribution, it is not recognized as taxable income.
2) Give appreciated stock. If you give stock shares directly to Sunnyvale
Presbyterian Church, you may claim the current market value of the shares as a
charitable gift. You also do not pay taxes on your gains.
3) Give through your Charitable Trust Accounts such as a Donor Advised Fund. A
tax deduction can be taken when the fund is established and the donor
determines how the funds are to be invested and to whom (and when) the funds
may be given.
This is meant to be an overview. In all cases, please consult your tax advisor.
A "Qualified Charitable Distribution" (QCD) is a distribution from an IRA directly to the charitable organization. Learn more about QCDs.