The Nominating Committee requests your help in identifying future leaders for our church. We are seeking individuals who are willing to work hard and have a great time together as they follow God’s call and seek God’s guidance. The Nominating Committee wishes to consider potential leaders who broadly represent the membership of the church. You can help us!


Please prayerfully reflect on people you know who might fit these positions well. Submit recommendations or volunteer yourself by completing the Leadership Recommendation Form by May 26, 2024.



As members of session, elders head up the ministry areas of our church. Session makes decisions regarding the church as a whole.


The deacons provide service of compassion and care for all members of the church, especially those who are unable to attend church, new members, college students, and young adults.

2025 Nominating Committee members

This team prayerfully discerns whom God is calling to fill these positions in the coming year.


See the Session and Deacons page for more information about these vital roles. If you have questions about the recommendation process, you may contact any member of the 2024 Nominating Committee or email the committee chair.


  • Lynn Thomas (chair)
  • Carol Heath
  • Joanne Papoulias
  • Sue Ahn
  • Karlee Harrison