Check out these opportunities to volunteer at Sunnyvale Pres and the community!
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 16–20
Adult volunteers and Youth Counselors needed
Cook up a fun week with us at Recipe for Creativity! Kids will learn about the creation of people, animals, and the world, and how much creativity it takes to make new things. Adult volunteers and Youth counselors are needed!
Sunday mornings
Three teams of ushers serve on a monthly rotation to greet worshipers, collect offering, and ensure the service is safe and comfortable for all. Its a great way to get to know people and to serve the congregation. Please email Beth Treitel, Worship Director, if you are interested.
Do you love working with children? We'd love to have you join us! Email Children's Ministry with any questions. (Please note that all adults who work with children must Safe Church trained.)
First Sunday of the month during All-Ages Worship
We love having our kids participate in church!